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Podcast: How to Avoid Burnout with Success Coach Sarah Makris -

Podcast: How to Avoid Burnout with Success Coach Sarah Makris

by | Aug 8, 2023 | Leadership, Personal Development, Podcast, Stress Management

I couldn’t resist sharing with you I podcast I did last month with wonderful Career Success Coach Sarah Makris. Sarah helps senior executives fast-track their careers through her work be that getting promoted faster, attaining board positions, or becoming more recognised in their field. It was such a privilege to join her on her podcast to talk about such a critical component of rising as a leader – being able to lead with energy and importantly, how to avoid burn out.

So, pop on your trainers, put your ear-pods in and take us out for a walk as we talk about:

  • Why in a fast-paced world that glorifies the hustle, tuning into the body’s intelligence is critical to maintain health and performance and ultimately show up as an authentic, energised leader.
  • The importance of managing energy to avoid burnout in the workplace.
  • As humans we operate in 90-minute energy cycles and therefore the need to take breaks and recharge throughout the day.
  • What emotional agility in leadership is and how it can help us perform and engage better
  • All things practical tips for managing energy and setting boundaries so that we can lead more effectively

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