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Get recharged ‘fast’ this holiday season -

Get recharged ‘fast’ this holiday season

by | Dec 20, 2017 | Energy Optimisation, Leadership

If you are anything like me, you may be experiencing a ‘crawl to the finish line’, after a massive year? So I asked the CLARETY team to share their top secrets to recharging fully and quickly over the holiday season. So we can get back and firing for a ripper 2019.

Create the right mindset

Partner, Emma Hart says it’s all about creating the right mindset to recharge…”RESPECT your recovery. It’s essential if you are to perform and feel your best. Say NO to too many engagements and create the space to say a deep YES to things that really matter e.g., resting (aka doing nothing), does not mean you are lazy it means you are respecting your body and what it needs”.

Emma also believes that “music is incredibly powerful for affecting your mood. Make yourself a relaxing summer playlist and feel your stresses melt away. here is a link to Emma’s SoulfulSunday playlist enjoy!

Nutrient charge your food

Whole foods chef, Ben Horne recommends taking some time to ‘play’ in the kitchen. He says, “good food takes time. Have you ever noticed how nourishing & recharging a meal made with love & integrity is? When I’m thinking about putting some of the good stuff back in I’m thinking “how can I nutrient charge what goes on the plate AND create some space and time to be creative”.

Mindful cooking and eating has been linked to a number of health benefits and Ben says “in the holidays we obviously have more time to cook. My advice? Start with the best meal of the day. Breakfast. Perhaps surprise a loved one with breakfast in bed. Share a moment of connection over a great meal and feel all your worries start to evaporate.” You can get 2 of Ben’s favourite ‘nutrient charged’ breakfast dishes right here: ‘Coconut Banana Bread’ and ‘5 Seeded Maca Pancakes’

Mindfully manage down those stress levels

Meditation teacher, Jaye Carcary says, “The fastest way to start dissipating the anxiety and tension that may have been building up is taking a moment to acknowledge and tune into it. So in those early holiday days try a short and simple meditation like this to start mindfully managing down those stress levels”.

Daily ‘5 to fast recharge’

Finally, “I usually have my daily ‘5 to thrive’. The small habits that maintain my energy levels throughout the year but the last few months have seen me trying to maintain my energy levels from a much lower base. So, if this is also you, I recommend trying ‘5 to fast recharge’ to begin rebuilding those energy levels”.

“Here’s what’s on my list this holiday season;

  1. Restore my gut – stripping out gluten & dairy, adding back in lots of ferment veg, turmeric and ginger to reduce inflammation*
  2. Yoga Nidra at the beach – one of my favourites
  3. Take some time to reflect & acknowledge what happened in the last year and use as fuel to start gently laying down some plans for 2019 – join me to do this by registering for our FREE Make 2019 your best year yet webinar.
  4. Use the power of ‘I’ll get back to you’ when people ask to make plans, avoiding over-commitment
  5. Digital detox – laptop powered down and phone checked only 1 x per day (sorry if anyone is trying to get in touch with me:)

*This is purely what Clare does based on the advice of her naturopath. Make sure you seek out advice from a professional.

If you need ideas for your ‘5 to fast recharge’ you can find more by clicking here.

Wishing you a relaxing and recharging holiday season and don’t forget to join us for our FREE ‘Make 2019 your best year yet’ webinar.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways we can help you personally or the people within your company thrive more:

  1. Grab a free copy of our Whole-System Leadership™ assessment and planIt’s the roadmap to start making a difference today to your energy levels and your ability to find a better sense of balance between work and life. Email with “ASSESSMENT” in the subject line and we’ll ping it over to you.
  2. Join our ENERGISED LEADERS Group Coaching ProgramDid you struggle again with your work/life balance again this year? Tried to make changes to the way you are living and leading and they just won’t stick? The secret is discipline, implementation, and accountability…let us help you! hit reply putting “ENERGISE” in the subject line and we’ll send you all the juicy details.
  3. Work with me and my team privatelyIf you’d like to work directly with me and my team to support you through a major leadership, cultural challenge or transition, then email putting “PRIVATE” in the subject line….tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together and we’ll start a conversation about how we might help.

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