by Clare Robinson | Dec 7, 2020 | Emotional Intelligence, Energy Optimisation, Podcast
I’m not sure if you are feeling this but the main topic of conversation with leaders in the coaching room and, many other friends around me is, that they have ‘hit the wall’ energy-wise. They are ready for 2020 to be done. Unsurprising, given the year we have all had....
by Clare Robinson | Nov 5, 2020 | Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Mental Resilience, Mindset
With the ending of mental health month in October and the year we’ve all had, many leaders inside and outside the coaching room have been saying that we need better support for our mental health. With the restrictions on our lives set to continue, I personally think...
by Clare Robinson | Jul 1, 2020 | Emotional Intelligence, Energy Optimisation, Mental Resilience, Mindset
Are you suffering from work-from-home burnout? You’re not alone. “It’s not really working from home anymore, is it? It’s living at work.” This quote was sent to me by a dear friend and ex-client and it quite poignantly sums up what I have been...
by | May 25, 2020 | Mindset
As I mentioned in my last blog post I caught myself in the act of over-functioning. This was in response to the changes that COVID had brought and was my vain attempt to regain some control. This being busy approach left me feeling flat and burnt out last month, and I...
by Clare Robinson | Apr 30, 2020 | Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Mental Resilience
It’s been a couple of weeks since my last email, as I made the call to take an extended break over Easter. Originally, I intended to go away, but, like many of you I’m sure, I felt that taking the extra time off to staycation was a little pointless. So, I really had...