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Podcast 6: The mindful transition workshop -

Podcast 6: The mindful transition workshop

by | Jan 7, 2020 | Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Mental Resilience, Mindset, Podcast

As many of you know at this time of year, we love to do some reflection, vision setting, and planning for what we want to achieve in the year ahead. This year we have recorded a very special podcast (well audio workshop masquerading as a podcast), which is full of tried and tested CLARETY reflection exercises and also, some new stimulus that I have been using personally to celebrate the last decade and transition into the next one, mindfully.  Are you up for creating some clarity on what you’d like to create in 2020 and beyond?  What we will be covering in this podcast:

  • Reviewing the decade that was…we’ll be doing a reverse bucket list and getting crystal clear on all you have achieved 
  • Creating clarity around your vision for this coming decade using our signature guided visualisation exercise 
  • Getting into action and creating some momentum where we will build your plan for 2020  

 You can download the workbook that accompanies this podcast HERE. 

To your health and happiness,

Clare Robinson, Founder & Head Coach, CLARETY

P.S. If you got stuck at any point with any of the workshop content or, have some questions that have come up for you, please feel free to book a complimentary 20-min call with me via this LINK.

P.S.S. If you are wondering when we will be doing our next ‘in-room’ live planning workshop this will be happening a little later this year in March. Email us at with the subject: ‘Waitlist’, for more details which will be coming out at the end of the month.

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