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Will you indulge me? Let’s all just take a moment… -

Will you indulge me? Let’s all just take a moment…

by | Mar 5, 2019 | Leadership

Wow! can you believe it’s March?! I blame the fact I’m only just popping my head up now to talk to you, our gorgeous community, after a self-enforced quiet time that makes doing #febfast all the more easeful. 

So here we are, 28 days of no alcohol, caffeine, red meat or processed sugar down and a sense of quiet achievement that signals how I want to do things differently this year. Am I moving towards my vision for the year? Am I more or less in ‘flow’ (my word for the year)? Is it time to have a coffee already?!  

Lots of questions are buzzing around my mind…So as I take a moment to stop and reflect on what I have (or haven’t yet) created so far this year I wanted to give you the opportunity to as well. 

Are you game? 

So whether you joined us in our ‘Best Year Yet’ January workshops and set yourself a vision and focus for the year like me or, perhaps you just quietly set a couple of New Year’s resolutions, here’s your opportunity to just pause and reflect on progress… 

WARNING – whether your year got off to a sluggish start or fast pace, what follows is my simple 5-step ‘questioning’ system that I use myself and, with my clients, to build momentum behind the changes you want. It does however require you to be honest and open with yourself if you want to get the best results.  

So below, as I share my honest and open answers, know I am with you on this journey, cheering you on! You’ve got this! 

5 Questions that will help you boost your momentum

1) What did I specifically set out to achieve this year – what does real success look, sound & feel like? 

After a tough end to 2018, I set out to achieve more ‘flow’ this year. What do I mean by flow? According to part of the description in the dictionary, it’s a feeling of energized focus, full involvement & presence and more joy and purpose in the process of the activities I’m undertaking. I am applying this not just to business – interactions with clients and my team but also, in my significant relationships and with my health. I wanted to feel more energised, creative, inspired and most importantly, grateful for the life and opportunities I am getting. 

2) What actions have I taken so far this year that are moving me towards my vision? 

In order to create this, it had to start with me cultivating this feeling internally so that I could give this energy externally. Doing #febfast was key to this – eating and drinking clean literally re-booted my body & left me feeling lighter and clearer. Also, adding in more movement (hello soft sand running), meditation and investing in some new coaching & training for myself has seen me growing and thinking differently again. 

3) What could I celebrate myself for so far this year? 

Just my spirit of taking it a day at a time and being open to trying new things and exposing myself in more vulnerable ways. Wanting to consciously create a richer experience of life. 

4) What do I need to tell myself right now that will be most helpful to maintain momentum? 

You’ve got this, remember to keep your mind open and full of belief that you have the power to create whatever you want. Importantly, follow the path with love and compassion and don’t allow fear or doubt to take you off track. Stop pushing and start allowing more. Trust the process. 

5) What are 1 – 3 steps that I could take right now to make more progress? Although I’ve achieved a lot personally, I have felt quite insular and disconnected from friends and family. I haven’t been that social and as we are in the month of March, which is all about ‘connected relationships’, I’d really like to start flowing more in my relationships.  

So there you have it, 5 questions to create more momentum throughout the year. I have spoken about this before but, we are more likely to follow through on our vision & actions when we commit to them, so work through the questions and tell someone close to you. Or, I’d love to hear how you go – drop me an email at  

I also promised as an extra bonus, that I would share one of my favourite activities to maintain the momentum behind the changes you want. It’s a tool that made #febfast a breeze and has me pumped about what is going to be possible this year! It is, of course, a vision board and you can get access to the instructions HERE.

To your health and happiness,
Clare and the CLARETY Team


Want someone you love to also get the chance to take 5 and reflect on how their year is going? Please feel free to share this email with them – we love to spread the love!


Missed our January Best Year Yet workshops but still want to set yourself up for a stellar year? Hit the reply button with ‘BBY’ in the subject line and we’ll send you your exclusive code to access the recording of our session that will set you up to make 2019 your best yet.


Was 2018 a struggle or have you got a great opportunity in 2019 to take a step up and you know you’d like some support to do this? Our enrolments for our group and individual coaching packages are open until the end of March. If you would like to find out more hit ‘reply’ to this email with ‘COACHING’ in the subject header and tell us a little bit about what is going on for you.


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