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3 simple steps to finding your purpose in life -

3 simple steps to finding your purpose in life

by | Apr 20, 2021 | Leadership

Does your work leave you feeling empty?

After a year of uncertainty, many of us have been hanging our hopes on 2021 to make things right. We’ve been hopeful that time would have all the answers. That things would just click, and we would feel more aligned.

But in reality, most of us are feeling more lost than we did 12 months ago because maybe our priorities have shifted and we’re questioning our life’s purpose.

We can hear the underlying whisper that there’s more out there. The burning desire to know what’s next and ‘have it all figured out’ is something we all experience at various points in our lives, because it feels like a safe space.

Instead of giving into purpose anxiety, we can put our energy into finding a sense of meaning right where we are. It’s about leaning into the discomfort, trusting the process and creating certainty in our daily lives, rather than projecting our vision of the future.


Here are three simple steps you can take right now to get clear on your purpose: 

1) Push reset on your mindset  
Adopt an exploratory mindset that allows you to be curious about the things you are loving in work and life right now, and use this as a foundation for growth. What we think, we create. Use the power of reframing and positive intention to calm down your mind, build confidence and trust in yourself. Say to yourself:

“This is exactly where I’m supposed to be right now for the next phase to emerge.”

2) Use your support crew 
Go for an uplifting walk in nature or coffee with a friend, someone who sees and hears you. Get a great coach or mentor that can help you make sense of what might be emerging out of the uncertainty and chaos. Often, times bouncing thoughts off these people can lead to new ideas.  

3) Get inspired 
Build self-awareness around what you love and what your unique experiences and talents are. Update your Gallup Strengths profile. Go to interesting and diverse events to spark new ideas and connections. Read the book Ikigai, to understand the intersection between what you love, what the world needs, and the skills that can help you get paid. Start with identifying one new thing that enhances your life. Then work out how the meaning and fulfillment of that joy is tied to being of service, be it to an individual, community, or organisation. 

And if you’re really after some light bulb moments, and want to make some life-altering changes to your confidence and propel your career? We’re currently taking applications for the next round of our leadership coaching program Luminous Leader.

Click HERE to book your application call or email Clare.


To your health and happiness,

Clare Robinson,
Founder & Head Coach, CLARETY

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