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Podcast: The Power of Purpose with Alice Haemmerle and Emma Kirkwood -

Podcast: The Power of Purpose with Alice Haemmerle and Emma Kirkwood

by | Jun 4, 2021 | Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Podcast, Purpose

Purpose has become a business buzzword, and something people are desperately seeking right now, but it doesn’t have to be so complex.

On our latest podcast of the future-leadership series, my long-time mentor, Master NLP Coach and head trainer for Lulu Lemon Alice Haemmerle, and my fellow coach, workplace relations specialist, and dear friend, Emma Kirkwood, join me in a conversation around the power of purpose.

We dig deep into why purpose gives us direction on what we need to focus on in life, as well as what it means in this current state of uncertainty and stagnation.

“Purpose allows you to make decisions that will move you forward,
or stop you from doing things that are not going to benefit you.”

Alice Haemmerle

In this episode, we’ll be talking about how we find clarity even when it feels like none of us can move forward and we’ll focus on one of the main challenges facing leaders in the COVID-era:

How to find purpose in this new, disruptive and unpredictable world we are adjusting to, and why connecting with your purpose is crucial for future-ready leaders in the workplace.

Alice put it so beautifully during our chat, “The things that we thought were going to be tomorrow, didn’t happen. Everything that we thought our future would be, stopped.

One of the key things that came up in conversation was the concept of hope and how it was difficult to have any sort of vision as human-centered leaders when the world was on pause, with no sign of moving forward. But as Emma suggests, we are now looking towards a ‘reimagining’ of the future.

We talked: re-imagining the future as leaders
Within the leadership space, people are reflecting not only on what’s been lost, but what’s been gained, and how we can integrate this slowing down and this newfound presence into our lives and the workplace in the long-term.

Have you heard of ‘Ikigai’?
Alice talks about the Japanese concept of ‘ikigai’ or ‘life’s meaning’ and why finding yours doesn’t need to be some ground-breaking thing. Both Alice and Emma share why bringing back purpose to something as simple as a morning meditation or evening journaling can have profound results and keep you tuned into your heart.

In this episode, you will learn about: 

  • Finding and leaning into your ‘ikigai’
  • The power of simplicity in finding your purpose
  • How purpose can be found in the small moments
  • The silver lining of slowing down and rediscovering our values and how this might help us re-imagine the workplace
  • What the work-life paradigm shift means for leaders
  • How to open up a meaningful dialogue around purpose with our teams

Here at Clarety we believe that when you lead with purpose and intention, you are in flow, energised, and connected to your people. You become the kind of luminous leader that people are naturally drawn to and want to follow.

This was a really beautiful conversation, with many thoughtful insights and generous nuggets of wisdom from both Alice and Emma.

I really hope it inspires you to reflect on what lights you up and helps you support your team in finding more purpose in their day-to-day.


To your health and happiness,

Clare Robinson,
Founder & Head Coach, CLARETY

P.S. Do you want to get clear on your purpose? Applications are now open for our new Luminous Leadership program, launching on the 30th June. Click here to book a call with Clare and find out more about the program.

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