As I enter day 13 of ‘detox Feb’ I’m seriously implementing the below following a month of holidays, family visits and the celebration of a big birthday number.
Strategy 1) Are you really clear on what you want and more importantly why? If we don’t have enough emotional connection to why we are doing something then it’s easy for life to take over and to come unstuck. Ask yourself a killer question like “What will happen when I make this change and what will happen if I don’t?”
Strategy 2) Embrace the ‘glitch and recover’. Some days staying on track is easy, others we just wake up in a funk, make a poor decision and bingo its hot chips for lunch and Netflix for dinner! Instead of beating yourself up and denying progress acknowledge the glitch and get back on the horse. In our experience success & fulfilment is linked to a mindset of how quickly we recover from our glitches and importantly, what we learn from them so we don’t make the same mistake next time. |