Are you future ready?

by | Jun 24, 2019 | Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Mental Resilience

In the last couple of weeks, I have been writing about some of the components of the winter season. A time of retreating and reflecting and also, a time of ‘finishing’ things to make way for new things that the future may hold…

For some, this can feel like a disconcerting time and, based on your feedback, you’d like some support to tune back in and acknowledge where you are at. This is a process that will also act as a fabulous springboard to get ‘future ready’ for what might lie ahead.

Emma and I decided to roll with a slightly different style in our 4th podcast of the series, designed to discuss the topics that help us to become more vital and thriving leaders. One of the key component’s is building the capability to more deeply connect with what’s happening in our lives not just cognitively, but also emotionally. When we do this, it not only acts as a fuel for feeling more fulfilled in our lives but also, it’s a chance to practice emotional hygiene (more on that to come).

This podcast will be best accompanied with a quiet space for reflection, a cup of your favourite brew and, a pen and paper.

In this podcast we will:

  • Talk about why it’s essential to reflect on both our thoughts and emotions
  • Create the space for you to look inside and reflect on your progress so far this year
  • Guide you through the ‘5-step process’ to reflect and re-calibrate on your goals for the year.

Your exclusive EOFY Special rate

Hurry, only 3 days left to access your exclusive EOFY 15% discount on our 3 and 6-month Leadership Coaching Packages for those that sign up by the 28th June 2019. So, if you are stuck and not making the progress you want in your career or life and, you are ready to act to make changes we are here to help. CLICK HERE to request more information.


To your health and happiness,

Clare and the CLARETY Team

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