Are You Making Your 2017 Intentions A Reality?

by | Apr 30, 2017 | Leadership


Are you on track with your intentions for 2017?
A number of people in the last week have uttered the words to me ‘where is this year going, it’s going to be Easter before we know it!’ All whilst whizzing past me, looking slightly frazzled…

Is this you?

Do you need to take a moment to ‘pause, reflect & reset’?

Back in January we wrote an article and held a series of events designed to support our fabulous community to set intentions to make 2017 truly magnificent. Whether you came to an event, read the article or simply made some of your own goals or intentions for 2017 then take 15 now to ‘check in’ on what has happened in the year so far. Check out our ‘reflect, set, act & shareexcise below to help you do this.

Let this be your opportunity to celebrate achieving your intentions or a time to re-focus if you feel like you are getting off track.

Didn’t set any intentions? No worries it’s never too late. This exercise will also start you on the process.

The ‘reflect, set, act & share’
Grab a cuppa and a pen and paper to jot down your answers to these questions, while thinking about the last 3 months and the year ahead. Clear your desk, pop on some relaxing tunes and take a few deep breaths, feeling yourself relaxing into your chair. Very good. Let’s go.


  • What three things are you most grateful for this year so far?
  • What things did you intend to start, maintain or finish this year and how are you going?
  • What learning’s have you received so far?
  • What evidence are you seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting or smelling that your intentions are becoming a reality?
  • What key word reflects the theme or the energy of your reality so far this year?


  • What intentions do you still have for your 2017?
  • What do you still need to finish or complete in 2017? (Projects/goals/habits)
  • What needs your focus to maintain and improve in 2017? (Relationships/health/finances)
  • What are you yet to start in 2017?
  • Does your key word or theme still reflect your focus and intention for 2017?

Now you have set or re-focused on your intentions, what actions will you take to breath life in to them? It’s important to remember that success breeds success, so set yourself up for achieving your intention by creating small actions steps and mini goals that incrementally move you forward. CLARETY partner Emma always says to us;

“How often it is that a small action becomes great by it’s intention. And how often it is that a great intention becomes small by lack of action”


  • What 3 actions will I take next week to move me towards my intention?
  • What 3 actions will I take in the next month to move me towards my intention?
  • How will I acknowledge and celebrate these achievements along the way?

If you would like to increase your chances of realising your intention for 2017 share your intention/s with people around you. This leverages Cialdini’s law of commitment and consistency. Who could you invite to be your support team this year?

Could we invite you to be on our support team this year?

My theme or word for the year was ‘expansion’ and my intention was to move beyond what I previously thought was possible in a couple of areas of my life namely the 2 ‘Fs’ – Finances and Family.

  • Finances – I’ve always held a fear around running out of money, my intention is to cultivate a good relationship with my finances. I’m setting up a new savings system and creating some working assets with the help of a new Financial Planner to guide me and make it all a little less scary!
  • Family – I’ve never felt a huge maternal pull or considered, if I were to become a mother, how would that be? My intention is to connect with who I am as a mother this year and start to look for a good role model, who has a parenting style that I admire, so I can steal all of her secrets!

Emma’s key word for this year is ‘arête’ – a Greek word, meaning to live the highest expression of self moment to moment. Emma says “This is a massive intention so I have decided to chunk it down in to smaller pieces”. She goes onto say;

“My research on epigenetics (the impact of our thoughts and experience on our biology), is truly inspiring me to examine and reflect on my thinking patterns. Hence daily journaling has returned. I am loving it and I’ll be sharing in next months’ blog some of my favourite journaling techniques. I am also practicing one of my favourite mindfulness habits of taking one deep, mindful breath each time I hit send on an email. That’s a lot of lovely, long, slow deep conscious breaths today. Thanks to the stick note on the side of my computer reminding me of this one!”

Finally Emma says, “Dreams become reality when intention becomes actions”

What actions are you taking to move you closer to your intention?


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