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Mini-workshop: Get clarity on your 2021 vision and goals -

Mini-workshop: Get clarity on your 2021 vision and goals

by | Jan 25, 2021 | Leadership

I’ve just finished our get clarity on your 2021 vision workshop, and I just loved getting to share the creative process that I use myself and with 100’s of leadership coaching clients to get clarity on what they want to create in their life and business. 

I believe there’s something about ‘adulting’ that quashes the creative spirit and loads expectations onto our backs, which can let doubts and fears creep in that achieving new things or making significant changes in our lives are not possible or too risky for us…..have you ever felt like this? 

But, in my 1,000’s of hours in the coaching room, I have come to realise, that the key to creating changes in our behaviour or bringing to life new ideas and seeing them through, is painting a clear and compelling picture of what you want. 


Getting clear on what you want 

Have you noticed that your mind can be fabulous at identifying all the things that we don’t want or, it uses past (often unsuccessful) experiences to define what is or isn’t possible for us in the future? But if we want to achieve brand new goals or step into a totally new version of ourselves this is not going to cut it! We have to clear our minds of this clutter and get into dreaming and imagining mode and I’d love to help you with that. 

So, if you didn’t get a chance to attend the session LIVE you can still have some fun with this process…simply book 60 mins of quiet time in your diary and fire up the recording of the session (below). You can also access the workbook from the session HERE. 

Here’s what some of the participants said about the workshop; 

“Good to spend time in reflection and planning to set up for success in 2021” 

“Reflecting on the different areas of my life and delving into what went well and what didn’t. I’ve never delved that deep before. This will help me figure out what I want from 2021” 

“Clare – she was fantastic. I loved the workbook too” 

As always, I would LOVE to hear how you go with the process so don’t be shy about sending me an email on how you are going – I’d love to hear your wins, challenges, and thoughts on what you are experiencing as a result of this session in 2021. 

AND, if this mini-workshop ‘wet your appetite’ for setting up your dreams to be a reality this year and, you want to go deeper, you can join me for our 2021 Planning and goal-setting live workshop on the 19th February. Spots are limited so jump in to secure your ticket HERE.

Here’s to realising all of our dreams in 2021! 

To your health and happiness,

Clare Robinson,
Founder & Head Coach, CLARETY

P.S Whenever you’re ready here are 3 ways I can help you right now:  

  1. 2021 Planning and goal-setting live workshop: attend our ‘deep dive’ 2-hour session on the 19th of February where we will take your vision and flesh out your goals and plan for the year. Spots are limited so jump in to secure your ticket HERE. You can also access the early bird rate using code: PLAN25 to receive 25% off your ticket if you sign up by the 5th of February.

  1. Closing out 2020 Podcast if you haven’t already reflected on the year that was 2020 and extracted the goodness from it for 2021, this will be just the ticket and a great prep-step for our 2021 vision setting session 

  1. Corporate Leadership Coaching & Training: want to explore how I can help you or your team accelerate their performance in 2021? Let’s jump on the phone and discuss or email me so we can lock in a time to chat.   


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