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Blog -


In this blog, we’ll be sharing insights straight from the coaching and training room. There will be evidence-based research, and practical coaching tools designed to help you overcome some of the very real challenges that we face as leaders today. Our aim is to inspire you to ‘self-coach’ so you can gain clarity and build confidence to forge forward, whatever the future holds.

Why I Traded Gratitude for Grit

Why I Traded Gratitude for Grit

September has been one of the toughest months I’ve had for a while, both in business and in life. Usually I’m a gun at wellbeing maintenance, with an established daily practice for a healthy mind, body, and soul. But this month that all went out the window… A busy...

It’s time to sleep your way to the top?!

It’s time to sleep your way to the top?!

Calm down calm down. It’s not what you think! I’m just quoting the brilliant Adrianna Huffington who rates sleep as the No. 1 thing you can do to improve your personal wellbeing. So, coming off the back of our ‘July off-season’ (more on that later), which is all about...

Getting mindful in May

Getting mindful in May

Many of you may be aware of the ‘Mindful in May’ campaign running this month? If you have ever been curious about mindfulness or meditation then this is the month to kick start your journey. A little extra motivation, you would be contributing to an amazing cause,...

Are You Making Your 2017 Intentions A Reality?

Are You Making Your 2017 Intentions A Reality?

  Are you on track with your intentions for 2017? A number of people in the last week have uttered the words to me ‘where is this year going, it’s going to be Easter before we know it!’ All whilst whizzing past me, looking slightly frazzled... Is this you? Do you...

Hello and welcome to the world of CLARETY

Hello and welcome to the world of CLARETY

Can you believe that it's November? Where did the year go! My aim at the beginning of the year was to communicate more, share more and connect more with you all through events. It's now November and I've only just started writing! My excuse? I didn't want to fill up...

Eat like a king for breakfast!

Eat like a king for breakfast!

Breakfast they say is the best meal of the day because you are awake to digest the food, burn it off and of course feel energised and sustained throughout the day. So we asked our Head Chef Ben Horne what his top tips were around starting and sustaining the day well...