Like so many of you, I’m feeling the effects of a very long year and the under-lying level of stress that has come with it. In fact, I was listening this morning to Brene Brown’s podcast with neuroscientist David Eagleman. He describes the weariness we might be feeling in our brains right now is in response to all of the change and disruption this year, he says ‘our brains have been working over-time to re-fashion our understanding of the world’. So, when I felt like I had hit a wall both mentally and physically a couple of weeks ago, this put a little more science to what I intuitively knew I was experiencing.
Meeting yourself where you are at
When I’m feeling like this, the most helpful thing I can do, is to stop pushing and start ‘meeting myself where I am at’. ‘Name it to tame it!’ as psychologist and author of the ‘Happiness Trap’, Dr Russ Harris, would say. I find if we can be accepting of energy levels, emotions and feeling’s- we can stop ourselves from getting carried away by them.
Just by simply acknowledging where we are at, in my own experience and, working with 100’s of leaders on this, it can diffuse some of the pressure. I’ve been going through this process myself in the last few weeks and, adding in some more steps like;
- Pausing to ask questions to shift my perspective
- Resetting my expectations and,
- Actively planning in more down time to recharge
But let me tell you friends, I have not been doing this alone. I’ve booked in two sessions with great mentors of mine as I find, it helps if someone else is asking the questions. This was so helpful for me, that I wanted to create this opportunity for you.
Podcast: Mindfully closing out 2020
In our 2nd podcast of the ‘Future Ready Leadership Series’ (that is masquerading as a mini workshop!) I wanted to create a moment of pause and reflection for you. My hope is that, instead of bowling into the Christmas break in ‘reactive mode’ you can create this moment to transition more mindfully into the break to come and ultimately, 2021.
In this podcast I will be guiding you through;
- Taking a moment to pause and reflect on the year that has been
- Acknowledging the wins and the lessons learnt
- Identifying some things, you may need to ‘let go of’ in order to transition into the break
Download the workbook that accompanies this podcast HERE
NB: In this session I’ll be encouraging you to not worry too much about planning for next year at this stage. It’s more about releasing the pressure on our weary brains and, identifying how we can recharge to cultivate some fresh energy, before we start to envision and make plans for 2021. Don’t worry, that piece will be coming to you in the New Year as I host a live ‘Get Clarity on your vision & goals for 2021’.
To your health and happiness,
Clare Robinson,
Founder & Head Coach, CLARETY
P.s. Get Clarity – vision & goal-setting for 2021: be the first to get your invite for our live workshop in the new year: click here for the waitlist.